A faultless power grid
Hune Power Systems

We believe in a faultless power grid
At Hune Power Systems, we are committed to developing the power grid by challenging the status quo. We aim to automate and digitalize the entire power grid and create a framework for an interruption-free power grid.

Our vision is a future with a faultless power grid.
By automating and digitizing the power grid, we can help Danish industry and retail avoid huge financial losses due to power failures and outages.
To achieve our goal, it is necessary to visualize the challenges Danish companies face as consumers of the current power grid.
Om Hune Power Systems

About the company
Hune Power Systems was founded in 2015 by owner Lars Ulrik Hune, who specialises in the digitalization of the power grid and the automation of transformer substations.

Our vision and goal
Our vision is to develop an interruption-free power grid. We aim to uncover how an aging power grid affects businesses and to change the current regulatory framework

Our Products
We develop and offer a range of products including DSO board for wall installation, kit for installation in ABB switchgear and KOMBI-RTU.
If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone or email
Lars Ulrik Hune
Ivar Huitfeldts Gade, 3. TV,
8200 Aarhus N