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ME231N2 DIN-Skinne PQ elmåler

1.150 kr. excl. moms

DIN-skinne elmåler fra Meatrol til anvendelse af rogowski spoler. Kan anvendes til, at måle og analysere spændingskvaliteten på både L1 L2 L3 og nul. Måler i 4 kvadranter, dvs. produktion og forbrug.

  • RMS-spænding L1 L2 L3
  • RMS-strøm på L1 L2 L3 og Nul
  • Aktiv effekt +- L1 L2 L3
  • Reaktiv effekt +- L1 L2 L3
  • Aktiv energi +- L1 L2 L3
  • Reaktiv energi +- L1 L2 L3
  • Cos-phi L1 L2 L3
  • HDi & HDu op til 51. harmoniske på alle faser
  • Faseubalance – strøm og spænding
  • Modbus RTU via RS485

For yderligere specifikationer, se datablad.

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Instantaneous value
Phase Voltage U1,U2,U3,AVG
Line Voltage U12,U23,U31,AVG
Current I1,I2,I3,AVG,IN
Grid Frequency F1,F2,F3,
Power Factor PF PF1,PF2,PF3,∑
Fundamental power factor  DPF DPF1,DPF2,DPF3,∑
Active power P1,P2,P3,∑
Reactive power Q1,Q2,Q3,∑
Apparent power S1,S2,S3,∑
Active energy Pos. EP1,EP2,EP3,∑
Active Energy Neg. EP1,EP2,EP3,∑
Reactive Energy Pos. EQ1,EQ2,EQ3,∑
Reactive energy Neg. EQ1,EQ2,EQ3,∑
Apparent Energy ES1,ES2,ES3,∑
Tariff Energy ET1,ET2, ET3,ET4, ET5,ET6
Voltage Harmonic Distortion THD (Total harmonic percentage), TOHD (Odd total harmonic percentage), TEHD (Even total harmonic percentage), phase L1.L2.L3 1-50th harmonic percentage, phase ABC 1-50th harmonic voltage value
Voltage Harmonic Value
Current Harmonic Distortion THD (Total harmonic percentage), TOHD (Odd total harmonic percentage), TEHD (Even total harmonic percentage), phase L1.L2.L3 1- 50th  harmonic percentage, phase ABC 1-50th harmonic current value
Current Harmonic Value
Phasor diagram
Phasor diagram between voltage and current
Phase Sequence  voltage and current
Voltage Angle U1,U2,U3
Current Angle I1,I2,I3
UI Angle UI1,UI2,UI3
Demand P,Q,S
Active power DMD Max. P and Time
Reactive power DMD Max. Q and Time
Apparent power DMD Max. S and Time
Voltage unbalance Negative Sequence, zero Sequence
current unbalance Negative Sequence, zero Sequence
Phase Voltage  U1,U2,U3,AVG
Line Voltage U12,U23,U31,AVG
Current I1,I2,I3,AVG,IN
Active power P1,P2,P3,∑
Reactive power Q1,Q2,Q3,∑
Apparent power S1,S2,S3,∑

For yderligere specifikationer, se datablad.

Download datablad: her

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